Tuesday 23 September 2014

Self Care...(Me to You)

It is so amazing what Paying Attention to one's look can do . Am a living witness , as over the past few weeks (while I have not been posting any new blogs...#so sorry guys) I have experienced some major transformations....Lol
 Okay, it's not like I became a different person or that anything changed, but I just became so enhanced (*winks).. seriously. Everything was enhanced; from my looks/facial beauty to body shape,to charisma,...and I mean everything. So now to burst your bubbles, I will give you a view on how it happened and what happened......

First of all, It started from within me (beauty is from inside), I just started to feel this Joy,..it was unexplainable, it was wonderful, I began to have some spiritual realizations.. It was so evident that God has started something in Me, that the Holy spirit was at work...hmmmmm. Yes!!!  and I hope you were not thinking of something else ???..
Continuing now, since this enhancement had started in the spiritual ,.it had to manifest in the Physical!!!...Yes and now i want to say "Praise the Lord".
...so In order to achieve the physical manifestation, these are the things I started doing everyday!;
1.10/20mins Squatting exercise every morning (sit-up seems kinda hard ..*covers face).
2. A glass of water (or 50cl) after the exercise.
3. 10/20mins walk daily.

4.Eating routine :tea n bread breakfast + Fruits serving (pineapple+water melon+cucumber+pawpaw) @ 12noon + Lunch (normal dishes + i started eating basamti rice too),No dinner or I drink water when feeling hungry
5. Beauty routine:Daily Facial cleansing (morning and night) with facial soap and water,My body cream +shea butter and honey (mixed) . Makeup : powder and lip gloss most times( got me some maybelline products) 

And in just about 10days I have lost  about 10kg of my body weight and it has manifested physically!!!!... 
See pictures below
More posts coming soon on Self Care.....

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